
张磊,男,汉族,教授,博士生导师。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目等国家及省部级课题;入选西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”青年拔尖人才A2岗;国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部通讯评议专家、教育部学位论文通讯评议专家,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Microbiome、Applied and Environmental Microbiology等刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇。
1) 微生物的环境响应及适应机制;
2) 细菌-宿主跨界互作的分子机制;
3) 内生菌促作物抗旱抗逆机制。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:西北荒漠耐旱植物骆驼刺内生菌 Pantoea alhagi LTYR-11Z提高小麦抗旱性的机理研究(31770121),2018.01-2021.12;
1) Li S#, Sun H#, Li J, Zhao Y, Wang R, Xu L, Duan C, Li J, Wang Z, Liu Q, Wang Y, Ouyang S*, Shen X*, Zhang L*. Autoinducer-2 and bile salts induce c-di-GMP synthesis to repress the T3SS via a T3SS chaperone. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 6684.
2) Liu X#, Liu Q#, Sun S, Sun H, Wang Y, Shen X*, Zhang L*. Exploring AI-2-mediated interspecies communications within rumen microbial communities. Microbiome . 2022, 10, 167.
3) Zhang L#*, Li S#, Liu X, Wang Z, Jiang M, Wang R, Xie L, Liu Q, Xie X, Shang D, Li M, Wei Z, Wang Y, Fan C, Luo ZQ*, Shen X*. Sensing of autoinducer-2 by functionally distinct receptors in prokaryotes. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 5371. (入选Nature Communications Editors' Highlight)
4) Wang Z, Xie X, Shang D, Xie L, Hua Y, Song L, Yang Y, Wang Y, Shen X*, Zhang L*. A c-di-GMP Signaling Cascade Controls Motility, Biofilm Formation, and Virulence in Burkholderia thailandensis . Applied and Environmental Microbiology , 2022, 88, e0252921.
5) Zhang L#, Zhang W#, Li Q, Cui R, Wang Z, Wang Y, Zhang YZ, Ding W*, Shen X*. Chen C, Qu M, Li M, Wang Y, Shen X*.Deciphering the root endosphere microbiome of the desert plant Alhagi sparsifolia for drought resistance-promoting bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology , 2020, 86, e02863-19.
6) Shuyu Li, Hong Liang, Zhiyan Wei, Haonan Bai, Mengyun Li, Qiqi Li, Meng Qu, Xihui Shen, Yao Wang*, Lei Zhang*. An Osmoregulatory Mechanism Operating through OmpR and LrhA Controls the Motile-Sessile Switch in the Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium Pantoea alhagi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 2019, AEM.00077-19.
7) Lei Zhang#*, Muhang Li#, Qiqi Li, Chaoqiong Chen, Meng Qu, Mengyun Li, Yao Wang, Xihui Shen*. The Catabolite Repressor/Activator Cra Is a Bridge Connecting Carbon Metabolism and Host Colonization in the Plant Drought Resistance-Promoting Bacterium Pantoea alhagi LTYR-11Z. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 2018, pii: e00054-18. (Spotlight article)
8) Zhang L#, Zhong J#, Liu H, Xin K, Chen C, Li Q, Wei Y, Wang Y, Chen F*, Shen X*. Complete genome sequence of the drought resistance-promoting endophyte Klebsiella sp. LTGPAF-6F. J Biotechnol . 2017, 246:36-39.
9) Chen C#, Xin K#, Liu H, Cheng J, Shen X, Wang Y, Zhang L*. Pantoea alhagi , a novel endophytic bacterium with ability to improve growth and drought tolerance in wheat. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7:41564.
10) Si M#, Zhang L#, Chaudhry MT#, Ding W, Xu Y, Chen C, Akbar A, Shen X*, Liu SJ. Corynebacterium glutamicum methionine sulfoxide reductase A uses both mycoredoxin and thioredoxin for regeneration and oxidative stress resistance. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 2015, pii: AEM.04221-14.
11) Si MR#, Zhang L#, Yang ZF, Xu YX, Liu YB, Jiang CY, Wang Y, Shen XH*, Liu SJ. NrdH Redoxin Enhances Resistance to Multiple Oxidative Stresses by Acting as a Peroxidase Cofactor in Corynebacterium glutamicum . Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 2014, 80(5):1750-1762.
12) Zhu L#, Si M#, Li C, Xin K, Chen C, Shi X, Huang R, Zhao L, Shen X, Zhang L*. Sphingomonas gei sp. nov., isolated from roots of Geum aleppicum . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015, 65: 1160-1166.
13) Wei L#, Si M#, Long M, Zhu L, Li C, Shen X, Wang Y, Zhao L, Zhang L*. Rhizobacter bergeniae sp. nov., isolated from the root of Bergenia scopulosa . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015, 65:479-484.
14) Zhu L#, Long M#, Si M, Wei L, Li C, Zhao L, Shen X, Wang Y, Zhang L*. Asticcacaulis endophyticus sp. nov., a prosthecate bacterium isolated from the root of Geum aleppicum . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol . 2014, 64:3964-3969.
15) Zhang L, Wang Y, Wei L, Wang Y, Shen X*, Li S. Taibaiella smilacinae gen. nov., sp. nov., an endophytic member of the family Chitinophagaceae isolated from the stem of Smilacina japonica , and emended description of Flavihumibacter petaseus . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol , 2013, 63:3769-3776.
16) Zhang L, Shen X, Liu Y, Li S*. Nafulsella turpanensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from soil of an arid area in Xinjiang, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol , 2013, 63:1639-1645.